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Friday, October 6, 2017

Vertical Ad Network and Horizontal Ad Network

Vertical Ad Network
 Horizontal Ad Network
 A vertical ad network is dedicated to deliver advertising on a specific audience. A horizontal ad network is a network that delivers advertising on wide base of inventory available.
 Specialized Non - specialized
 Non - Generalized i.e. low global reach (general audience or targeting) but high reach on the specific target. Generalized - i.e. General audience (public) or targeting.
 Vertical ad networks offers less but exact reach for advertisers. Horizontal ad networks offer scale, reach and numerous targeting capabilities for advertisers.
 It serves fewer impressions than horizontal ad network as the reach is less. It delivers several billions of ad impressions per day as the reach is broad.
 It is considered as “Known buy” as you know to which audience you are targeting. It is considered as “Blind buy” as you don’t know where the impressions will serve.
 Some examples are Travel, Automotive , lifestyle ROS or RON i.e. Run on sites or Run-of-network

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