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Thursday, October 5, 2017

Calculate CPC (Cost Per Click)

Calculate CPC (Cost Per Click)

CPC stands for Cost Per Click and is an important metric for marketers to understand when analyzing the performance of their digital campaigns and arbitraging opportunities. The formula to calculate the cost per click is the cost to the advertiser divided by a number of clicks.

Cost per click calculation

For Example

If a campaign cost an advertiser $100 and they received 32 clicks, the CPC would be $3.125 (100/32 = #.125) If you are a publisher levering a demand source to earn revenue and your inventory has a CPC of $3.25, you are in the high end of the spectrum. Some CPC’s on certain advertisements can range anywhere from $.01 – $4.00 on average. It is import to understand this metric to see if a programmatic ad campaign is performing.

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