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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Floodlight Tag And Re-marketing Tag

 FloodLight Tag
 Remarketing Tag
 A floodlight tag is an image pixel that is created within DFA and resides on the Advertiser’s webpage
 A remarket tag is used to remarket or show ads to users who’ve previously visited your website as they browse the Web
 List of users can only be utilized within DCM and DBM
 Remarketing list is prepared which is used for showing ads
 It allows advertisers to capture and report on the actions of users who visit their website after viewing or clicking on one of the advertiser’s ads
 No such functionality remarketing tags can provide, they just help in targeting right audience
 They are of two types: Counter and Sales, counter tag is used by advertiser for capturing the activity of users while sales is used to capture specific information about a purchase
 There is no type, one type of remarketing tag covers it’s functionality
 Floodlight tag is a best way to know about your user activity or the effectiveness of the online campaign
 Remarketing is a powerful way to stay engaged with your target audience.
 There is no such division on users can be made.
 You can divide users as per the sections of your website they shown interest, like gadget, fashion, sports, etc.
 It cannot be used for creating audience list
 With Remarketing tags you can develop rich and detailed audience
 It capture conversions associated with users that came in contact with your online campaigns, either by clickor by impression
 It captures the user behavior to retarget or remarket the user.
 Floodlight tag is often used as a container for retargeting and confirmation pixels for publishers.
 Remarketing tag also forms a pool of data to target the right audience as per remarket list

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