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Monday, September 4, 2017


It means carry by or mount on or attach to (an existing object or system).

Definition in terms of Advertising:
It refers to the use of a single container tag (also called universal or master tag) which redirects to other additional tags that are not placed directly on the site. Basically it’s a technique by which the actual tag fires without directly implementing on the page which ensures there is no data stolen from the client site maintaining the security.

General Example to understand piggyback concept:

-       Using someone’s shoulder to achieve something (raw example)
-       Embedding the names of popular brands or companies into the hidden meta-data of a Web page in order to rank high up on a search engine’s results page
-       Gaining access to a restricted communications channel by using the session another user already established.

-       Reaching to a destination with someone’s help (hidden)

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